Thursday, May 20, 2010

Well, summer has officially begun now that the Colorado weather has evened out and the warmth has taken precedent over May snow storms. It is hard to believe that it has only been a week since school has ended. I haven't made as much progress as I've hoped, but there is still quite a lot of time. Next week I'm off to California for a little relaxation and regrouping. Much needed. I'm ready to get a clear game plan and focus myself. I just need to keep my goal clear. What actions will get me closer to a dance company and which will bring me further away? A constant choice.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Operation Sick Puppies

School is out for summer and the real work has just begun. After a quick 4 day recovery from academia and strep, it is time to get this booty back in dancing shape. Dance class had to take a back seat these past couple months. Work got intense and the end of my life at CC needed attention. Plus, me and CC dance aren't the best of friends. Regardless, this summer is a time of preparation beyond anything else. Going into a new school, a new dance program, and a new city, I want to be the best I can. This is my last chance at a first impression. It has to count. I'm going to make it count.

And so: operation sick puppies has commenced. Derived from the joke "anyone know a good vet? (flexes muscles) 'cause these puppies are sick." Yea, I know....

These next 2 weeks prior to my 10 day adventure in California will be about getting my body back to fighting shape.

Rebounding from the end of the year shenanigans, I'm starting with a balanced diet with plenty of hydration and a detox from excess alcohol and caffeine. A consistent sleep pattern is also très importanté. Cardio 5 times a week; yoga and strength training every day. Once in California to see my cousin and my aunts and uncles, stretching is priority as well as keeping up with ballet barre while away.

Upon return, it is the plan to be ready for a 4 week time period filled with dance. 4 1/2 hours a day, four days a week with the weekends for strength training and rest.

So, wish me luck as I venture into months of preparation. School is over and I've got nothing but time. I'm gonna make it count.